Hump Day Bump Day – 37 weeks = FULL TERM!

I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M FULL TERM!   Although my due date isn’t until the 26th, Keelin could make her big entrane any day now and be totally healthy. SQUEEEEE! I can hardly believe it.

I was telling Z last night that I feel like it’s much more “real” for everyone else in our lives BUT us. Don’t get me wrong… it’s not like I don’t realize I’m about to be a mother in a matter of days/weeks {holy crap} but I really think it won’t fully sink in until I’m holding this sweet little girl {takes a moment to rub belly in admiration}.

On a side note… While Z has made it known that he things a Christmas day baby would be really amazing, he’s changed his prediction a bit after learning something interesting about the next few days.  As it turns out, Saturday there will be a full moon which has been known to bring about MORE births than the average day. Both my mother and Z’s mother sent us emails yesterday giving us a heads up that the full moon is a comin’ and so might be Keelin. While it’s not an EXACT science, I think there is something to be said for the fact that BOTH Z and I were born during full moons {at least my mom went into labor during the full moon and I showed up slightly after}. So… who knows, maybe Keelin’s birthday will be closer to the 10-11 than the 25-26. Any predictions? Any readers out there that were full moon babies or HAD full moon babies?

*How far along? 37 weeks 2 days today!

*Total weight gain/loss: healthy healthy healthy!

*How big is baby? 19 to 22 inches, 6 lbs + .I have officially reached WATERMELON status on TheBump!

*Maternity clothes? Absolutely. LOVE LOVE LOVE my maternity clothes!

*Stretch Marks? Nope… still lathering away!

*Best moment this week? Hearing Keelin’s heartbeat at the doctor’s apt on Monday! Every time she would kick her heartbeat would pick up… I loved it! AND, I think our midwife has predicted Keelin will be here before Christmas. She made the comment during my check-up that I’d be “unwrapping presents around the Christmas tree”. Whether that means with a bump in my lap or a baby, I’m not sure. I guess we’ll find out!

*Movement? Seriously, I’m pretty sure she has so little room in there, I feel her ALL DAY LONG!

*Food Cravings? Nothing in particular this week. Still loving ice water though!

*What I miss: I definitely get uncomfortable much quicker if I’m in a position for too long. Z and I had dinner and went to see HUGO {MUST SEE!!!} with our friends Ike and Leah over the weekend. Both and dinner and during the movie I got pretty uncomfortable.

*What I am looking forward to: We still haven’t installed the carseat {shame on us} so that’s something I’m excited to get done. That and finishing packing our hospital bag!

*Nausea/Vomiting? nope!

*Labor signs? Felt a little lower discomfort last night, but I think it was more my hips adjusting than anything else. Other than that, just those good old Braxton Hicks

*Gender? little girl!

*Belly Button in or out? Mostly flat with a little pop happening!

*Wedding rings on or off? Still on!

*Sleep? It varies night to night now. I’m still getting up at least once for a bathroom run but I do feel like I’ve become less shifty.

*Weekly Wisdom:  I am 24 years old and only just this week watched It’s a Wonderful Life. If you haven’t seen it yet… you must. 🙂 It truly is… a wonderful life we live.
Until next time…
Last chances to make your prediction for Keelin’s arrival date! Check the Little Manatee page and VOTE on the poll!

Hospital Tour Part Duex

No, we’re not some strange overly enthusiastic couple who enjoys walking through hospitals in our spare time. We had a bit of a hiccup in our delivery day prep when we found out at our 34-week check-up that our midwife no longer delivers at the hospital we had chosen and already toured. Puh.

My reaction was a quick moment of panic followed by an overwhelming sense of peace. Something quickly told me that there was probably a very valid reason why she would stop delivering at hospital 1. A reason that would probably make us reconsider delivering there anyway… so I should be thankful for the change and happily adapt. Right?

Well adapt we did…and for good reason!

It wasn’t until this Monday’s 36-week apt. that we got the scoop on all the drama. It turns out that hospital 1 is NOT AT ALL accommodating to midwives OR natural childbirth. SAY WHAT??? Our midwife has been battling their forceful push for medication and c-sections for years, in an attempt to provide multiple options for her patients, and finally said enough was enough. {you go girl} Sounds like hospital 1 is nothing but a bunch of butt heads… and I don’t want some butt head handing my baby… or her butt… or my butt. Needless to say we are now VERY thankful that we found out about and were able to adapt to the sudden change and are thrilled with all the wonderful things we’ve heard about the BETTER hospital {hospital 2}, especially in regards to their love of midwives and natural births. HOORAY!

While hospital 1 had its perks {it’s much newer and had larger labor and postpartum rooms} it didn’t even hold a candle to hospital 2’s friendly staff and welcoming atmosphere. As we waddled our way around the maternity wing, nurses, doctors, orderlies and even janitors smiled and said hello at every corner. You could really tell they all LOVE their jobs and were excited for each and every one of us!

Now on to some tour specifics… which I will list with comparison’s to the hospital 1 just to emphasize how much better an option hospital 2 REALLY is!

  • The woman who gave the tour, Debbie, is an actual neonatal nurse and will probably be one of the women helping us on Keelin’s big day! She had both a medical and personal outlook on childbirth and was able to answer every single question the group threw at her. Babs from hospital 1 was nice, but she only had stories about her kid’s having babies, which included little in regards to the specific medical care they received. AND, she wasn’t even a hospital employee… tell me how THAT makes sense!
  • There were about 7 couples on the tour of hospital 2… all with different birth plans and expectations… which to ME was a great sign that so many care providers recommended the hospital. You may remember our last tour only had one other couple in attendance, Urkel and Pepe. Lame.
  • Debbie walked us all out to the labor and delivery entrance so we could see exactly where to go when “it’s time”. Babs only told us to go to the Emergency room entrance which, to this day, I have still never seen.
  • The hospital 2 tour took us to a labor/delivery room {complete with a birthing pool for women interested in having water births or for those who may just want to labor in a warm tub… where’s your birthing pool hospital 1??? I don’t see it!}, the postpartum room, the waiting room for family and friends, the nurse’s station, and even the NICU. It was so heartbreaking to see those TEENY TINY LITTLE BABIES in the incubators but I was really happy that we were at least shown what it all looked like {took away a lot of fears} in the off-chance that we’d need to take Keelin there. I pray to God that it’s the last time I see the NICU and that Keelin never has to know it exists, but it was comforting just getting a glimpse and seeing how closely monitored all the little babes were.
  • There were two little munchkins on the tour with us {with their parents… not having babies of their own} and Debbie was so sweet with them. Even pumped them full of graham crackers and apple juice to keep them occupied. Wise, wise woman!
  • Debbie filled us in on some of the hospital stats and we were so incredibly impressed. Not only do they have a .01% infection rate for postpartum mothers, but their c-section rate is also LESS THAN 1%. They have the lowest c-section rate in Atlanta. Hospital 1’s c-section rate is OVER 50%. Totally nuts and total proof that they would be much quicker to recommend some kind of intervention just to get me in and out as soon as possible… and to get more money in their pockets. Again… lame.
  • When one of my fellow waddlers asked about their “time limit” for labor, because she’d heard horror stories of hospitals rushing laboring mothers and pressuring them to sway from their birth plans just so the doctor can make his tee time. {True or not, I’m sure many other preggo has heard horror stories just like these before so I’m glad she brought it up while we were all there} I was so thrilled to hear Debbie say that they have no time limit. As long as mama and baby are healthy, they will do what we ask and stick to our birthing plans as best they can. SO COMFORTING!!!
  • We saw our midwife while we were there and as she walked to the nursing station, a number of them asked if there was anything they could get for her. We love our midwife and it was so wonderful seeing her being ‘taken care of’ by the nursing staff. Makes me 100% confident that they will be there taking care of her when I’m in labor, which will make her job a little bit easier!
  • And the MOST IMPORTANT thing I saw along the tour… hospital 2 hosts an annual Christmas door decorating contest. Enough said.

There were plenty of other things we really loved about hospital 2 and we couldn’t be happier that we are delivering there. The ONLY negative {if you can call it that} to hospital 2 is that it’s slightly further away than hospital 1 was. However, I plan on laboring at home as long as I possibly can before heading to the hospital, so I’m not at all worried about it. Another one of those overwhelming feelings of peace that I’ve been given. 🙂

I apologize for not having a witty and hysterical “crazy couple” story to tell… but I guess there’s something to be said for the fact that the things I most remembered on tour 1 were mostly about Urkel and Pepe and the things I remembered on tour 2 were things we learned along the tour. 🙂

Until next time…

What’s the worst hospital horror story you’ve ever heard?

Hump Day Bump Day: 36 weeks and in full PREP mode!

36 down, 4 to go!

I feel like I say this every week, but I can’t believe time is going by so fast. I’m still loving being pregnant but definitely getting anxious about finally meeting our little girl.

It’s been another great week with plenty of memorable happenings! Thanksgiving was absolutely wonderful and it was so sweet of my dear mother-in-law to take care of the majority of the cooking! I did, however, make the worlds most delicious macaroni and cheese {recipe post coming soon}. We ate, we laughed, we relaxed, we ate some more, and we had a great time. The holiday also gave me something else I was extremely happy to accept… 4 consecutive mornings of sleeping in! Granted… my “sleeping in” usually doesn’t go past 8:30 {lame} but it felt like I was sleeping till noon and was much-needed!

Saturday we had a wonderful visit from my dear friend Jen and her boyfriend Will. It was so great seeing them and getting to catch up, even though most of our conversation had to be yelled over the ROAR of UGA/GT fans during lunch at Taco Mac! After they left {P.S. Jen… Z and I LOVE Will… great choice!} our friend Christian came over and did some maternity pictures. It was a beautiful night and I think we got some really great shots. Here is a little taste of his work… from a post wedding photoshoot he did for Z and I:

HAmazing, right?

He’s super busy with school at the moment so we haven’t gotten any proofs back yet but I’ll be sure to show them off once he gets them edited! My hope is to use one or more of them for this year’s Christmas card… but time is sneaking away from me so we’ll see if I can get my act together and get them made/sent!

Monday we had the first in our weekly midwife visits {now until Keelin is here} and I had the standard 36-week GBS test done. I provided a link so I won’t have to bore you with too many details but it’s basically a test to see if a certain bacteria {Strep… yes, like strep throat} in the woman’s body is active or not. It can be extremely dangerous for your baby, particularly during natural birth, so if your test comes back positive there’s a simple antibiotic you’re given and you’re good to go. We’ll find out the results next Monday.

We were able to see Diane, our midwife, and she filled us in a little more on the  drama that has resulted in us needing to switch hospitals {more on that when I fill you in on last night’s Hospital tour!}. She gave us a handful of helpful hints and tips on some things to bring for the birth that we may not have thought of {we hadn’t at all} and told us we needed to go ahead and get our bag packed if we hadn’t already. It was then that I realized that, with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I had totally forgotten about packing a hospital bag. Don’t worry it’s on the top of this week’s to do list! Diane also surprised me when she asked if I wanted to know if I was dilated.

{Inner monologue:} AHHHHH!!! That’s only a word they use when things are REALLY happening and the baby is coming…like soon… and you’re struggling not to strangle your husband for getting you “into this mess”, right?

After my little internal “moment” I replaced anxiety with excitement and said, “sure, why not?”. FIY… its not the most comfortable thing to go through. She checked, gave me a huge smile and informed me that I’m already 1 cm dilated. That’s nothing in the grand scheme of things {considering I’ll be at 10 effing cm when Keelin’s ready to come out and many women walk around at 2-3 cm for a month or more before they even go into labor} but it’s a great sign that my body really is in full prep. Holy crap!

That night Z and I went on a shopping/returning adventure to both Target and Babies R Us. We returned a handful of things that were repeat gifts or things we really didn’t want need and we pooled our total gift cards to make one of our final {and extremely important, considering the hospital won’t let us take Keelin HOME without it } purchases… this beauty!

The Chicco Keyfit 30 from Babies R Us. I absolutely love it and keep having little visions of sweet Keelin all bundled up on the way home from the hospital! Thanks to a fantastic Cyber Monday sale, we got it at a GREAT price online, can pick it up at the store {hello no shipping charge!} and still have plenty of gift card mula left over!

We also gave  Z’s mom a heads up on the sale because she had been waiting to get us this…

YES… that is a JEEP LIBERTY stroller {so proud of the hubs for picking it out and not at all surprised that it’s an actual car model}! SO EXCITING! She’d been waiting until all of my showers were over with so she could get us one of the left over items that we most needed and this was definitely at the top of the list! The carseat/carrier fits inside the stroller and it’s a great size that will grow as she does. Plus, how adorable is that little steering wheel? AND, it’s got an iPod connection so you can actually play music through the stroller for the baby. Thank you genius Jeep people for being so creative and AWESOME!

I’m sure there is plenty I’m leaving out from the week {although how can that be possible with the amount I’ve just rambled} but I’ve got a lot in the works for the upcoming posts to make sure you’re totally filled in {or totally bored with my constant baby chatter}.

Anyway… here are this week’s pics and stats!

classic mirror pic

The hubs was sweet enough to take another picture for me!

*How far along? 36 weeks 2 days today!

*Total weight gain/loss: healthy healthy healthy!

*How big is baby? 19 to 22 inches, 6 lbs +

*Maternity clothes? You bet! Although I don’t normally like the cold I’ve been excited to finally bust out some of my WINTERY maternity clothes!

*Stretch Marks? Nope… still buttering up the belly morning and night!

*Best moment this week? SO MANY… ordering our car seat, going on the hospital tour, hearing her heartbeat again, taking maternity pictures, and learning that I’m 1cm dilated!!!

*Movement? All the time! She’s way past the kicking stage and mainly gives me full rolls and stretches. I still can’t get enough of all her movin’ and groovin’!

*Food Cravings? Nothing in particular this week, although I have had a lot of hot chocolate. 🙂

*What I miss: Birthing class… we didn’t have it this week because of Thanksgiving so I’m excited for it to pick back up again this weekend… we’re talking about Birth Plans which is something I’ve been excited about!

*What I am looking forward to: Picking up and installing the carseat, packing our hospital bag and continuing the full prep for Dday!!!

*Nausea/Vomiting? nope!

*Labor signs? Plenty of Braxton Hicks! They have a tendency to get right on top of one another once I’m relaxing at home in the evenings.

*Gender? Sweet girl!

*Belly Button in or out? Flat!

*Wedding rings on or off? Still on! :)

*Sleep? Still waking up once, if not more, to use the bathroom but I actually slept a little better this last week. Perhaps it had something to do with 4 consecutive chances to sleep in!

*Weekly Wisdom: Having faith that God has and will continue to take care of Keelin, Z and I throughout this life-changing event has given me such peace. I find myself more and more mystified that I’m so calm and at peace with all the craziness that’s about to engulf my life. I highly recommend a big dose of trust in God!
Until next time…
I don’t know if this is something I really SHOULD be at all excited about… but I am. I’m so used to people telling me how small I look that when the guy at Little Caesar’s {YUM Hot N’ Ready pizza!!!} told me I looked like I was about “to pop”… I was SO incredibly happy and flattered. Yes, I’m a total nut job.

Hump Day Bump Day – 35 weeks and PLENTY to be thankful for!

Happy Hump Day Bump Day everyone!

I don’t have MUCH to chat about, considering the last week was pretty low-key and this past weekend was filled with a whole lotta NOTHING… just the way I like it! Instead, I’ll stick with this week’s Thankful theme and hit you with 5 more things!

11. I’m thankful for finally seeing an episode of “The Sing Off” last night. I can’t believe I missed it the last two seasons because it’s one of the ONLY reality competition shows I feel I can stand behind because there is NO pretending when it comes to the talent these people possess. Check out my favorite group:

HOLY A CAPELLA BATMAN, HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!?!?!? Not a single instrument… just talent!

12.  I’m thankful to have a roof over my head and a place to call home.

13. I’m thankful that my sweet husband is so informed on the current presidential race. I’ve NEVER been a fan of politics and am normally the first person to either get really quiet or leave a conversation all together when it turns political. That being said, I also fully understand the importance of the issues being discussed in every campaign, debate and speech as the country approaches another GREAT decision. Lucky for me, Z pays enough attention for the both of us so I don’t have to bore myself by sitting through 2 hours of back and forth political banter. I know, I’m such a terrible American.

14. I’m thankful that when my maternity leave begins {18 days!} I’ll not only get a break from work and be THAT much closer to Keelin’s arrival, but I also won’t have to inhale the disgusting smell of stale URINE as I walk from the parking deck to the office.

15. I’m thankful that I FINALLY finished the elephant mobile for Keelin’s nursery… giving me yet another thing to blog about in the coming weeks! Prepare yourself people, I have a lot of really great nursery things coming!

And for a little extra thanks that I won’t count in my list of 25, I’m thankful for this fun little survey that allows me to share Keelin and my progress each week!

*How far along? 35 weeks 2 days today!

*Total weight gain/loss: healthy healthy healthy!

*How big is baby? 19 to 22 inches, 6ish lbs

*Maternity clothes? Absolutely. And I’ve taken to stealing Z’s sweatpants the instant I walk in the door from work. Of course, they aren’t ON him when I steal them… or are they? We did make a baby after all! 😉

*Stretch Marks? Nope… still buttering up the belly as often as I can!

*Best moment this week? Finally finishing Keelin’s elephant mobile. You’ll see in a FULL post that it’s been a long time coming and I’m SO happy it’s done!

*Movement? She’s definitely a dancer in training! There are only a few times during the day when she’s totally still but I don’t mind because I can’t get enough of all her movin’ and groovin’. There is really NOTHING else in the world like it!

*Food Cravings? Thursday night it was Bogey’s soft pretzels and spicy cheese dip!

*What I miss: Nothing! Finding so much joy in everything at the moment!

*What I am looking forward to: Thanksgiving, the start of NON STOP CHRISTMAS MUSIC, maternity pictures on Saturday, HOPEFULLY some decorating this weekend and Monday’s check up with the midwife! We’re officially into weekly appointments!

*Nausea/Vomiting? nope!

*Labor signs? Plenty of Braxton Hicks!

*Gender? Sweet girl!

*Belly Button in or out? It’s basically flat but I’m waiting for the POP!

*Wedding rings on or off? Still on! 🙂

*Sleep? I wake up at least once for a potty run and a number of other times just to switch which side I’m laying on. Thankfully I can still fall back to sleep almost immediately!

*Weekly Wisdom: We keep the nursery door closed so the dogs don’t get in there and destroy anything {therefore forcing me to end their lives} but I make a point to poke my head in there at some point every day just to look around and imagine how things will be when there’s a tiny occupant inside!
Until next time…
PLEASE continue to join me in sharing what you are most thankful for this week! OR, link up to Caroline over at Simply Smithwick and join today’s prompt about how thankful you are for the special people in your life!

Manic Mother

I couldn’t feel more blessed and honored to have so many wonderful people in my life that love and support me. From my parents, in-laws, siblings, cousins, grandparents, friends, coworkers, my amazing husband {of course} and more, there are not enough words to describe the feeling of knowing that so many people care about you. To everyone in my life who has made an impact and touched my heart, whether you realize it or not, I am TRULY thankful!