How adorable is that cheesy grin? Gah, love. I chose this fun sea creature fabric this week to hopefully give my sweet nephew {who has a nautical-themed nursery} a HINT that we are ready to meet him! My sister-in-law is not OFFICIALLY due until the 27th but I still have my fingers crossed!!! Come on little one!

I’m sure none of you will notice this but I’m a little pissed this morning because thanks to G+ being a total butthead I wasn’t able to use my normal editing tools on the fourty-twosie photo and had to resort to a different font. It’s blasphemous I tell you. I would venture to guess that had I not said anything, you PROBABLY wouldn’t have noticed {and probably didn’t notice that I’ve used the same font since week one} but I’ve been fighting with my less-than-braggable design skills ALL LAST NIGHT AND THIS MORNING to try to duplicate what G+ and Picnik usually do for me each week with no success. So, while I’m still in love with this week’s picture, the font on her onesie is driving me nuts. Almost as nuts as the presidential debate drove me. I’m not going to get into the politics of it all, and won’t even mention that the moderator’s name had me craving sweets {seriously Candy?}, because that’s a can of creepy crawlies I just don’t want to open. But can I just say that the whole town hall format last night made my skin crawl. It was the first debate I’ve watched in this election and I became so tense during the first 20 minutes, what with the jump-all-over-each-other-and-tattle-tale-to-the-moderator debating tactics that I had to turn away and focus on something else. I took debate in college and I would have gone bonkers if we did it that way. And probably failed after tackling my opponent mid-rebuttal. Sheesh.

See, like how I was able to bring up the presidential debate without expressing an opinion on either party? *pat self on back*

Moving on…
Today’s onesie post is a bit different. While I normally focus on new updates on The Bean {which there really aren’t any, outside of the fact that she’s constantly on the move and getting more adventurous with what she feeds herself, including the leaves that made their way past the front door} today is all about another grand event… Z and Me getting hitched.

YES, 3 years ago I broke a lot of hearts by officially taking my sexy stud off the market. In a beautiful ceremony in the church I great up in, we smiled, prayed, got misty-eyed, exchanged vows, added some bling to our left hands, laughed, partied hard with some truly amazing friends and family, toasted, cut cake, threw garters, and were wacked by a hundred or so balloons in a tunnel of purple and white fury before driving off into the sunset in a condom-and-paint-covered car. All the while thanking God that he decided a Virginia girl and a Georgia boy should find each other at an outdoor theater in North Carolina amidst sand, surf, mosquitos, deer pelts, and body paint (eep). The last 3 years have been filled with so many great adventures, lessons, struggles, belly laughs, and celebrations, and I can’t wait to see what the next years have in store for our crazy, cooky, fun-filled life.

So cheers to us and 3 splendid years of marital ups and downs {but mostly ups} and a lifetime of continued happiness. It seems fitting that this showed up on my Pinterest feed today so I decided it had to be shared.

And I may as well close things out with a sweet and sappy quote from the great Mark Twain… “Love seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century.”
And I couldn’t be happier that I get to keep discovering PERFECT LOVE with my PERFECT MATCH.

Until next time…

The Bean: 5 Months

  • Loves spending time in her new jumper and even though we have to pad the seat so she doesn’t wobble around like a rag doll, she’s become so interested in all the little gadgets around the edges.
  • She’s become a WIZ at grabbing… anything in sight… especially hair. 
  • Loves bath time! 
  • Her mohawk is slowly disappearing. It’s hard to tell in these pictures but she’s started to get nice and fuzzy in those side patches that mysteriously disappeared a few weeks ago. 
  • Visited my old coworkers in Midtown where I’m convinced she recognized all the voices from the womb because she was so smiley and lovey to everyone!
  • Went to the Georgia Aquarium to visit with Daddy, meet his coworkers and see some FISH!! She loved every bit of it. We got to go backstage at the Dolphin Tales show {talk about VIP} where they keep the dolphins and one of the trainers let us walk back in to the training area where the dolphins were only a few feet away. 
  • We’ve officially taken the newborn padding out of the carseat. 

19 weeks 

  • 4 Month check up: she is right on track development wise, weighed in at 13 lbs {50th percentile}, and is 24 1/2 inches long {75th percentile}. Looks like she’ll be tall and skinny like I was as a child!

20 weeks

  • She’s starting to get the hang of “bouncing” in her jumper. She gets mesmerized by the toys around the seat and when she realizes we’ve walked up on her she’ll throw her arms up, toss her head back, and kick her little feet in excitement.
  • Celebrates Mother’s Day with brunch at Flying Biscuit! YUM! 
  • First little cold, despite being happy and smiley as ever.  

21 weeks

  • Rolled over from her back to her tummy!
  • Keelin loves her bumbo and jumper
  • Loves the Bostons and will burst into giggles watching them run around in a furry frenzy. 
  • Has become infatuated with the tags on her toys. 

22 weeks

  • Loves exercising her legs and “standing” wherever she can get her feet planted.
  • Keelin is also a fan of her new exersaucer. She spins herself around and makes sure to play with everything in reach.
  • Still a giggling fool, loves the pups, and spends most of the day smiling and working on her ninja skills as she sees how many times she can roll from her back to her tummy without me seeing it.

Baby’s First Easter

Happy Easter everyone!

My sweet girl in her Easter dress ready for last night’s Easter Vigil Mass. She was absolutely perfect!

He’s not wrapped around her tiny finger at all…


Excuse the ghost in the corner. Obviously my camera skills need a little work.

Until next time…

No link up today, but if you have your own Shameless Snapshot post, be sure to tell me in the comments so I can check it out!

The Bean: 4 Months

  • Changing Keelin’s diapers is an Olympic event! If it isn’t kicking her feet at lightening speed or the back arches that move her little toosh right off the changing pad, it’s how she constantly reaches for my fingers in an attempt to shove them in her mouth! 
  • Keelin ROLLED OVER this past week!
  • Went to her first Easter Egg Hunt

15 weeks

  • First trip to Virginia meeting great grandparents and lots of mommy’s school friends.
  • First week in cloth diapers

16 weeks

  • First REAL road trip {8 hours one way}
  • OUR first public restroom diaper changing experience
  • First audible giggle.
  • We also learned that Keelin LOVES TV! The colors and movement are so mesmerizing to her she would stop and stare anytime a screen would catch her eye.

17 weeks

I call this the imaginary Oboe

  • Keelin and I accompanied the hubs to the rock climbing gym in town.  Everyone loved seeing Keelin there and she LOVED looking at all the movement and color on the climbing walls.