Feeling LARGE, and not so in charge + my pregnancy Christmas carol!

It probably sounds totally nuts that, not only am I just now feeling the real “trials” of pregnancy {at 37 weeks} but also that I’m finally feeling my pregnancy come to an end. I guess it’s about time, what with only 2 weeks and change left until my due date and the realization that she could decide to come at ANY TIME.  SQUEEE!

I always hear stories of pregnant women wishing they could just pop their little invaders out at around 6 months because their bodies have been so drastically affected and they are THAT eager to regain the feeling of being “in control” of everything again. The truth is, I’ve only JUST started watching the clock and feeling like it’s really time for Keelin to be here. I’m still totally in love with being pregnant and I’m actually wondering what it’s going to be like without my little mover groovin’ inside my big belly {as if she’s always been there}.  My mother assures me that I’ll be so infatuated with Keelin that I won’t even notice my lack of belly dance parties… which I’m sure is completely true. But I’ve felt so blessed throughout this entire process {even while hugging the toilet bowl in my first trimester} that it is a little bittersweet to know it could all be over tomorrow. WOW, that sounds so incredibly terrible when remembering that “the end” of a pregnancy means “the beginning” of motherhood, which I’m truly SO excited about. But I think you {especially other mommies and mommies-to-be} get what I mean.

All that being said, and due to the fact that my earbuds are feeding me Christmas music ALL DAY AT WORK, I thought it would be “fun” to bring a little Christmas flare to the trials of pregnancy. You love it already, right?

I present to you… my own personal 12 Pains of Pregnancy.  {Disclaimer: I realize when you try to SING these pains, they really don’t fit with the rhythm or rhyme of the traditional Christmas song… but you get the picture! ALSO, none of these “pains” are detrimental enough to make me not love every minute of experiencing them but I thought I’ve been positive enough thus far, time for a little self-satisfying whining… just sayin’.}

The 1st thing about pregnancy that’s such a pain to me is the baby showing your full bladder whose boss.

The 2nd thing about pregnancy that’s such a pain to me is randomly losing any and all sense of balance.

The 3rd thing about pregnancy that’s such a pain to me is the tummy-growing-belly-itch that makes you feel like you’re toting around a hairy beer gut rather than an adorable baby bump every time you scratch it.

The 4th thing about pregnancy that’s such a pain to me is literally feeling your hips open and loosen up for GO TIME… OOWIEE!

The 5th thing about pregnancy that’s such a pain to me is having to rely 100% on rear view mirrors because twisting for “over the shoulder” traffic checks is quite impossible.

The 6th thing about pregnancy that’s such a pain to me is an uncontrollable urge to cry… for no reason at all… except that it’s the only thing that seems “right” in the world.

The 7th thing about pregnancy that’s such a pain to me is the additional 5 seconds it takes you to get in or out of ANY seat.

The 8th thing about pregnancy that’s such a pain to me is the feeling of complete frustration and utter despair any time you drop something on the floor {and the struggle you face when contemplating whether or not you’re just going to leave it there and save yourself the trouble}.

The 9th thing about pregnancy that’s such a pain to me is the punch, kick or jab that somehow finds THE MOST UNCOMFORTABLE spot right under your ribcage.

The 10th thing about pregnancy that’s such a pain to me is attempting to shave your legs… don’t make me laugh.

The 11th thing about pregnancy that’s such a pain to me is realizing that your belly picked up sink splatter when you look in the bathroom mirror and see a huge, hateful wet spot, put there only to mock you and your largeness.

The 12th thing about pregnancy that’s such a pain to me is putting tights on, in a public restroom, with nowhere to sit… yeah.

That’s enough whining for me… now back to my annoyingly joyous attitude!

Until next time…

Now it’s your turn. If you’re pregnant, share some of your own pains. If you’re not pregnant… take some time to complain about whatever is bugging you MOST right now. The floor is open!

*I do not own these pictures, links provided*

6 thoughts on “Feeling LARGE, and not so in charge + my pregnancy Christmas carol!

  1. I may not have any pregnancy pains to add (we’ll cross that bridge after the wedding plus a few more years)… but the thing that is bugging me most right now is sitting around waiting to take my income tax law exam at 1:30… it’s like sitting around waiting for execution!! 🙂 I’ll trade you pains for four hours starting at 1:30!

  2. YES! These are SO true! Also I have noticed, getting furry boots on is impossible! Aaron has to come and help me because I cannot reach over far enough to hold the jeans and pull up the boot! HAHA And shaving the legs! Forget it! HAHA

    • Absolutely. I have one pair of calf-height boots that I love to wear, and it’s pretty hysterical to watch me try and get them on. A simple tip… wear longer socks and tuck your pants into those before trying to put your boots on! It’s still tough to reach over but keeps your pant leg down while you try to maneuver the boots on!

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